30A SongwriterRadio.com Present


30A SongwriterRadio.com Presents

Artist Spotlight: Lucky Mud

By Josette Rhodes

“The love of a beautifully written lyric paired with a melody that fits the words so seamlessly that they cannot be separated without mournful loss. The ability to reach out and touch an audience with a voice that comforts or stings. A voice that amuses or inspires. Words have power and a great melody enhances that power. That’s Mud Music.” ~ Lucky Mud.

30A SongwriterRadio.com Present

Mike, a young soldier with a beautiful heart in the midst of things bigger than he could know. Maggie, a free spirit, protesting the evils of the day. A chance meeting during the tumultuous times of the Vietnam War. The birth of a magical, musical love affair coming upon 50 years strong.

Mike and Maggie McKinney of “Lucky Mud” are two of the purest souls I have had the fortune to meet. Their ability to seamlessly meld powerful lyrics and enchanting melodies into an experience that carries the listener along a lesson of life is nothing short of amazing.

When not touring the United States and Ireland Mike and Maggie can be found hosting “Americana Cafe Sundays Concert Series” at the historical Roberts Hall in Lynn Haven, Florida, music at Camp Helen State Park, and special events at Maggie’s Musical Farm.

Lucky Mud’s newest CD, “Feelin’ Lucky,” their 14th full length release, brings a unique understanding of life expressed in a wisdom seldom found in today’s music. Lucky Mud’s “Feelin’ Lucky” combines the simplicity of the past with the virtuosity of today reminds us of whence we came and the possibilities of where we may go.

So shake the rocks out of your shoes, write a letter, have one more cup of coffee, slow down, and you’ll get to “Feelin’ Lucky” too.

Please visit “LuckyMudMusic.com” for scheduled performances, Americana Cafe line up, merchandise, all 14 of their CD’s,  to book the ultimate dinner party entertainment, and all things Mud.


SWal Life
Author: SWal Life

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