5 Habits of Healthy People


5 Habits of Healthy People

By Dr Bart Precourt

This list summarizes my personal observations over the past 20 years working as a healthcare provider. These are the most common habits that I have observed in healthy people. It may surprise you that this list is made up of simple actions and rituals rather than fad diets and popular workouts. My point here is that health is SIMPLE. It’s your habits and lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle concept with diet and fitness on blue boardsReview this list and see how you stack up and where you could make some improvements.

Healthy Habit #1

Exercise or Move daily. How many times do we need to hear this? This will never change. The human body is designed to move. If you don’t move it, you lose it. The difference for healthy people is that daily physical activity is viewed as a pleasure instead of a chore. They rarely exercise for weight loss or vanity, but healthy people always find time for it because of how it makes them feel. It gives them energy, clears their minds, and calms them. For many, not exercising simply wouldn’t feel right. Important to add here is that “moving” is the same concept. It’s not always a set gym workout. It could be a bike ride, walk on beach, a hike or any activity that requires us to move.

Healthy Habit #2

Eat Real Food. This is as simple as it sounds. Healthy people eat food that is good for their health, not just for temporary satisfaction. They have learned that real whole foods are what their bodies need in order to thrive. So that’s it. Sticking to organic food is expected, and avoiding processed foods, GMO’s, gluten, and sugar are no brainers. After recognizing how sugar and processed foods make them feel bad, healthy people learn that instead of rewarding themselves with ice cream or cookies, a better reward would be something health promoting like a massage.

Healthy Habit #3

Proper Rest. For healthy people this is a mindset. They view rest as the ability to recharge for the next day. In fact, being tired from a lack of sleep is almost like wasting a day. The idea of being exhausted is not an excuse, simply just poor preparation. Healthy people look more closely at diet and daily activities when not feeling rested. Most common is a solid eight hours of sleep and rising with the sun.

Healthy Habit #4

Supplementation. Acknowledging when life is not in balance is a common tendency of healthy people. So they may choose to use vitamin supplements to keep up with the demands of life. This is not random—self-education or guidance is involved. Most healthy people have developed their vitamin supplement routine to address the deficiencies in our food supply as well as their individual needs. Most have recognized there are similar shortcomings in the supplement to the food industry, so they stick solely to natural “whole food” supplements. The single most common supplement is fish oil. I agree wholeheartedly with the importance of adding one to your supplement routine—my favorite is Cod Liver Oil from Standard Process.

Healthy Habit #5

Good Attitude/Body Awareness. Ok, these are really two separate habits, yet I couldn’t leave either one out. Attitude is everything. A good attitude creates a good life. It really is that simple! GRATITUDE is at the core. People who express gratitude are healthier than those who don’t. Keeping a positive attitude helps us take responsibility for our own health, which leads to body awareness. Healthy people know their bodies well and are rarely surprised. They rarely speak of “catching a cold;” instead, they notice when they are getting run down and becoming vulnerable to illness. This is an important mindset to keep because when you choose to take full responsibility for your health or sickness, you can also choose to do something about it.

I hope this inspires you to tweak your habits and get the most this life has to offer you!

Dr. Bart is a Holistic Health care Practitioner. Doctor of Chiropractic, certified Acupuncturist, Kinesiologist and nutritional consultant. For appointment call Balance Health Studio at 850-231-9288, balance30a.com.


SWal Life
Author: SWal Life

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