Presented by Celebrities For Charity, the 26th South Walton Celebrity Golf Classic at Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort, boasts a golf tournament with celebrities playing, and accompanying events that you won’t want to miss. It benefits the Emerald Coast Children’s Advocacy Center and Fisher House of the Emerald Coast.
“Some of our celebrities this year include Jim McMahon, Chicago Bears; Ed “Too Tall” Jones, Dallas Cowboys; John Rocker, Atlanta Braves; Roberto Clemente, Jr., baseball broadcaster and former pro ball player; and many others. We will also be auctioning some impressive trip experiences at the Celebrity Gala, as well as 30 second TV commercials are available on Bally Sports (formerly Fox Sports) when we air some of the Celebrity Golf Classic,” commented Tournament Director, Charlie Haje. “We’re looking forward to another successful tournament to benefit these two important charities in our community.”
It kicks off Thursday, October 27, with Casino Night at the Hilton Sandestin. Then golf with celebrity players at the Raven and Baytowne golf courses on Friday, October 28 that ends with a Celebrity Gala & Auction that evening. On Saturday, October 29, the golf tournament finale is during the day, concluding with a Completion of Play Party, Cookout, and Awards Ceremony.
Golfers will receive 2 rounds of golf, plus a cart; a player appreciation package, breakfast each day before play, along with food and refreshments during play; souvenir photo with celebrity; and an awards ceremony cookout at completion of the tournament. Various sponsorship levels are also available. For more information and to register, visit, or email Tournament Director at, 850-259-6334.
The Emerald Coast Children’s Advocacy Center, whose mission is healing children and ending child abuse, is seeking volunteers for the golf tournament days. To volunteer, email ECCAC’s Volunteer and Event Coordinator, Ana Michalzik at, or call her at (850) 420-4639.
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