Green Thumb Garden Club Awards $5,000 in Scholarships to Outstanding Walton Students


By Kathleen Edge, Publicity & Website Chair

Img 2873 Macie Dell Img 2874 Casey McclaineWalton County’s Green Thumb Garden Club is proud to announce the winners of the 2023 Mercer Scholarship. Casey McClaine will use her $2,000 award for tuition at University of Florida, West Florida Research Center, Milton Campus. Her majors are plant science and health promotion. Macie Dell will use her $1,000. award for tuition at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Tifton, Georgia, majoring in agribusiness and livestock production.

Both well-deserving students presented their winning essays at the GTGC May meeting. Their presentations highlighted achievements, current plans and future career goals as related to the mission of the Garden Club.

Two additional $1,000 scholarships were also awarded at the Club’s May meeting. Local youths that participate in Walton County 4-H summer and other programs benefit from the scholarship assistance funded by GTGC. E.O. Wilson Biophilia Naturalists Outdoors program will also receive a $1,000 education scholarship from Green Thumb Garden Club to support Walton County students. GTGC has funded local scholarship programs for decades and, through the generous donations of its members and the community, are proud to continue these awards.

Green Thumb Garden Club always welcomes new members. Please visit the Green Thumb Garden Club website to learn about our charitable mission, how to join and details on meetings, activities, and events. The website address is or send an email to

The Green Thumb Garden Club, Inc., located in Walton County, Florida, is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Its mission is to stimulate interest in the beautification of Walton County, furthering the education of its members and the public in botany, community beautification, conservation of natural resources, environmental awareness, floral design, gardening, horticulture, and nature studies and instill in our youth the love of gardening and respect for the environment.

SoWal Admin
Author: SoWal Admin

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