The Democratic Women’s Club of Walton County prepared dinner for the residents of Fisher House, a residential facility for families of veterans or active duty military personnel on Wednesday, September 27 at Fisher House, Eglin Air Force Society. They provided a delicious meal that included Turkey Tetrazzini with broccoli, homemade Mac and cheese, tasty coleslaw, salads and dressings, homecooked green beans, fresh fruit, a homemade pineapple upside-down cake, and several other delicious desserts, much to the delight of the residents.
This was done in an effort to show the DWCWC’s support for our veterans and active military personnel and the families that wait for their return. It is the DWCWC’s way of saying that we see you and appreciate the sacrifices you make for our liberty and we are honored to show this in our own small way.
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