Path of Grace is a local faith-based nonprofit and long-term sober living facility dedicated to helping women who struggle with addiction to drugs and alcohol. Upcoming events in 2024 will allow the community to learn more and connect with this life-changing program.
March 30, 2-5 p.m. – Grace at Serenity Village is a family event that’s part of the Building Lives Campaign. Take a tour and enjoy live music, testimonials, a message of hope, and free food. Find Serenity Village at 941 S Church Street in Santa Rosa Beach.
July 27, 5-7 p.m. – Grace at the Market Shops, also a family event, will include a silent auction, testimonials and entertainment.
September 28, 2:30 – 5 p.m. – Grace at New Life Church will include a family-friendly gumbo cook-off, life music, testimonials, giveaways and gumbo awards.
December 6, 6-9 p.m. – Grace at the Gala (location to be announced) will feature an elegant dinner, live entertainment, a silent auction, raffle items, testimonials, and desserts.
The Path of Grace’s mission is to offer a structured and protected setting for women who are ready to change their lives. The assistance they provide residents helps restore relationships, build self-confidence, and prepare for a successful future. At present, the program has helped several hundred women find lasting freedom from addiction.
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