South Walton FIRE DISTRICT receives national recognition for EMS responses


Fire District

During a prehospital heart attack or stroke emergency, every second counts in providing a patient with the best chance of survival and recovery. The South Walton Fire  District has received the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline® EMS Silver Achievement

Award for its proven dedication and response to patients experiencing these severe, time-sensitive events.

Swfd Mission Lifeline Award

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers like SWFD serve as the vital link in the survivability chain by initiating rapid, lifesaving care before an individual reaches the hospital. From the time the  911 call is dispatched to when a patient is transported in an ambulance, SWFD Advanced Life  Support (ALS) personnel recognize and treat the onset of heart attack or stroke symptoms with the goal of preventing serious injury or loss of life.

“Patients experiencing a stroke or cardiac emergency are suffering from what can be a terrifying and life-threatening incident,” said SWFD Fire Chief Ryan Crawford. “We want our residents and visitors  to know when they call 911 because of one of these difficult situations, our men and women will do  everything in their power to provide you with a prompt, competent, and caring response.”

Swfd Stroke Symptom Awareness

In 2023, SWFD personnel responded to more than 100 of these incidents. They handle each potential cardiac or stroke event by thoroughly evaluating a patient and their medical history,  administering the appropriate medications, and responding emergently to the nearest hospital. In the most severe cases, personnel are responsible for resuscitating patients in cardiac arrest.

“The national recognition is great, but ultimately we know this is the level of service our taxpayers deserve, and it’s what we strive to accomplish each day,” Crawford said. “We want to recognize not just our personnel who respond on the frontlines, but the collaboration and teamwork of our EMS  Division, Medical Director, and our area healthcare partners. It truly takes a community-wide effort  to create a pattern of successful, prehospital care.”

Swfd Heart Attack Symptom Awareness

SWFD encourages community members to know the warning signs of cardiac and stroke events.  The quick activation of EMS by calling 911 and describing symptoms is key to effective treatment.

Sowal Editor
Author: Sowal Editor

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