By Victoria Ostrosky
It was Aleeza Kempton’s last day of school at Troy University and she was tired, but ready to head home to her mom. Her car was finally loaded up and she was ready to go. As she prepared to leave, Aleeza said she heard a still, small voice whisper to her to go inside and rest, but she was in a hurry, and, not being a Christian, had never heard the Holy Spirit’s prompting. She had a long drive ahead of her and wanted to get it over with.
And that was her last conscious memory for five days.
We pray for safety and traveling mercies and healing. We pray for provision and blessing. But what do atheists pray about? That’s just it – they don’t acknowledge God at all, so of course there’s nothing to pray about and no one to pray to. But God. His mercies are new every morning – and He loves us even before we love Him. He patiently searches for the lost sheep that doesn’t yet know it’s lost and brings it home.
Her car, traveling at 80 mph, veered off the road, and hit a concrete culvert. Because she didn’t think a seat belt would save her, she wasn’t wearing one. She was ejected 70 feet through the windshield, landing on the back of her head.
With a blood clot between her brain and skull compressing her brain stem, and multiple broken bones, she was life-flighted from the accident scene, then rushed into surgery – not just one, but two. Afterward, the doctors put her into an induced coma to allow time for the brain swelling to subside.
Aleeza clearly remembers, while in her coma, her mom holding her hand and singing to her. She had an out-of-body experience, with an aerial view of the room. “It was a peace beyond understanding. There are no earthly words to describe how it felt. There was light – extremely bright and pure. It wasn’t heavy – there was no fear, no darkness, no judgment, just pure love.
After her hospitalization, Aleeza went to rehab. Her doctors believe that her quick recovery was mainly attributed to the fact that she was very healthy and physically fit.
With such a traumatic brain injury, Aleeza was put on anti-seizure medication. After a while, she became depressed and suffered from insomnia. At this time, she was also experiencing suicidal visions, where her mind pictured various scenarios of ways to kill herself. Aleeza became so distraught, she was “brought to a point where I was crying and screaming out to God.” And that’s when her sister invited her to church, where she gave her life to Jesus. The lost sheep was home.
The accident was in 2016. Now, in 2024, Aleeza marvels at how much God loves her. She didn’t grow up in church and considered herself an atheist. She lived her life like she wanted, and all the while, God was hovering in the background, watching out for her. She recounts that even as a teenager she felt lonely, like there was something missing. Now she knows exactly what that something was.
Today, Aleeza shares her testimony with others. She tells her story, pointing to the mercy of God, that He preserved her life in the accident. “Give Him a chance. Live in community and go to church. Life with Jesus is fulfilling and peaceful, and nothing compares to it.”
You can hear Aleeza Kempton’s entire interview and listen to many other incredible stories on the weekly Road to Redemption radio show and podcast at
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