By Kathleen Edge, Publicity Chair, email
GTGC celebrated Arbor Day by planting trees at historic Gulf Cemetery in Santa Rosa Beach in January. Dr. William Keyes, Cemetery Board President was the keynote speaker. He provided GTGC members and guests with the location’s history and highlighted Walton County founders and veterans who are laid to rest in this beautiful setting. Special thanks to Thomas Hicks Nursery for their donation and planting of the three sand live oak trees. A memorial marker from Green Thumb Garden Club is installed by the trees.
February’s meeting will have participants flying high and landing in their own gardens. Ron Houser from the Audubon Society of Bay County will educate us on “How to attract birds to your yard with native plants”. The timing is perfect for the planting season in our area.
The March meeting brings in a past GTGC Mercer Scholarship recipient, Casey McClain, to show participants how to achieve the best results from a container herb gardening. Casey will graduate from the University of Florida Milton this spring with a degree in Plant Life. Her goal is to create a residential edible landscape business.
GTGC will welcome spring in April with a tea party and bake sale. A guest speaker will present the health benefits of herbal teas. Bake sale proceeds from the member-donated cookies, cakes and other treats will benefit GTGC scholarships and local charities.
Additional details about the February, March and April meetings: Check in is 9:30 am at Westwinds Conference Center at Sandestin, 4700 Westwinds Drive, Miramar Beach, FL 32550. The cost is $30. for members and guests ($32.00 with credit card.) Lunch is included in the cost.
Please visit the Green Thumb Garden Club website to learn about our charitable mission, how to join and details on meetings, activities, and events. The website address is or send an email to
The Green Thumb Garden Club, Inc., located in Walton County, Florida, is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Its mission is to stimulate interest in the beautification of Walton County, furthering the education of its members and the public in gardening ~ horticulture ~ botany ~ floral design ~ environmental awareness ~ conservation of natural resources ~ civic beautification ~ nature studies and instill in our youth the love of gardening and respect for the environment.
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