It’s no secret that this stretch of Florida’s coast has something special, the rare coastal dune lakes, miles of sugar-sand Gulf beaches, and the third-largest estuary in the state. These natural features are a sanctuary for wildlife and humans alike, and it is the mission of the Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance (CBA) to protect and preserve these waterways for future generations.
CBA takes action through education, restoration, and monitoring program areas, all made possible by a passionate volunteer base. Locals and visitors alike can participate in experiences that empower them to take action to care for our shorelines, wetlands and waterways. CBA is currently seeking locals to join their Water Science Crew —on-the-ground stewards monitoring local water quality.
Why is water quality monitoring important? Gathering data is a crucial step in protecting our environment. Data can help us detect problems and improve management of our natural resources. Water quality data is also used by scientists to better understand ecology, climate change, human health, and more. CBA’s Water Quality Monitoring Program collects data from 137 stations that inform annual reports, long-term trends, and add to over 20 years of recorded data!
Want to become a water quality monitor? Adopt a section of Choctawhatchee Bay or a coastal dune lake and visit the waterbody monthly to take samples and measurements. Volunteers receive training and equipment as well as a well-earned sense of contribution to science. No experience is necessary to join. Although some stations do require volunteers to bring their own kayak, paddleboard, or boat, others have a canoe on-site for volunteer use.
Best geared for paddlers, are South Walton’s coastal dune lakes. Currently, Camp Creek, Grayton, Little Red Fish and Stallworth lakes are all in need of volunteer monitors. However, if you have boat access in the bay, or want to spend more time in the river, CBA works watershed-wide and has other openings throughout the watershed.
If you are interested in exploring and connecting to nature, while giving back to the environment, you might be ready to join the Water Science Crew! Email for details on how you can contribute. Want to pitch in but not ready for a monthly commitment? Check out CBA’s Facebook page for other volunteer opportunities ranging from beach clean-ups to creating oyster gardens.

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