Community Responds to Heirloom Donuts’ Struggle with Code Compliance


Copy Of Heirloom Dounuts

As reported in the November 2024 issue, the Walton County Code Compliance has issued a “Notice of Violation” to the owners, Laura and Justin Gibson, of Heirloom Donuts for a wall mural on the east side of their building. In over 8 years of publishing SoWal Life, we have never received such an overwhelming response to an article – all in favor of keeping the mural as is.

Here is a sample of some of the responses we received:

Nov 27, Andrew M.
I support the wall art ..hope County Building and Planning allow it to remain

Nov 26, Michael C.
The mural is a magnificent piece of art with artistic details, vibrancy, and personality that truly enhances the Santa Rosa Beach area of the 30A beach community.  ……..The detailed brush strokes alone are captivating and will surely make many magazines and articles.  Removing or painting over the mural would be a crime to silence the artistic passions of this artist and rob the community of this treasured art.

Nov 25, Judi, Jeff S.
Beautiful accent

Nov 24, Holly K.
The mural makes me happy every time I see it.

Nov 22, Beth B.
Seaside has multiple murals on sides of buildings….along the “Scenic Byway” 30A! … If you compare the Heirloom Donuts art-signage to many examples, it deserves an artistic award for beautification

Nov 21, Christy B.
A beautiful bouquet

Nov 21, Tara B.
I am a local resident of Santa Rosa Beach, a teacher, mother of three, and local professional violinist.  As a community we must choose beauty. I was truly inspired and thrilled at the mural’s appearance.

Nov 20, Mary Beth R.
Gorgeous painting

Nov 19, Nan S.
30A visitors and residents have ALWAYS been involved with and supportive of the Arts-theatre I urge support of a new local business, like Heirloom Donuts and their magnificent business mural on the building. It’s like a “turning landmark”…. Tourists will love it!!

Nov 21, Dorothea B.
As an artist and member of the Cultural Arts Alliance who takes pride in the great diversity of artwork in Walton County, please allow this business to retain its artwork on the building and open for business as soon as possible.

Nov 19, Ellen Z.
This mural always inspires joy when I pass it on HWY 98.  It is simply beautiful.  And a true work of art!

Nov 19, Pam P.
What a beautiful addition.

Nov 19, Jean C.
Open the donut store.

Nov 19, Shannon K.
Murals are in large and small towns all over the US. There needs to be updating to the rules and this mural needs to stay.

Nov 19,  Angelina C.
I absolutely adore the Heirloom Donuts mural.

Nov 19, Nicole T.
A 6-month opening delay over “graffiti”? You don’t have to be an art expert to tell the difference between graffiti and art! In fact, that beautiful mural brightened up the entire 98 area…something the west end of 30A needs more of.

Nov 19, Rhea R.
The newest addition to murals is in Inlet Beach on the walls of the underpass. Art is already present in our area and much loved! Heirloom Donut’s bouquet of flowers and donuts will be a sweet addition to the aesthetics of our community.

Nov 19, Pamela Bliss
I am writing to communicate my support in allowing the mural to remain on the Heirloom Donuts building.  I wish them well.

Nov 19, Marasol G
I am twelve years old. I live not too far from the Heirloom Donuts mural. The mural makes me feel happy, faithful, hopeful, and it creates a positive attitude in me. The mural gives me hope that one day as I grow into an artist I can create something just as beautiful and innovative.

Nov 19, Blaine A.
Let this community remain unique. It’s what created the community.

Nov 19,  Monica D.
The mural is Art. 5 reasons we need art: Art Transcends Time, Art Communicates, Art Heals, Art Tells Our Story, Art Connects Us.

Nov 18, Pete and Liz P.
We think the mural is beautiful. It’s certainly the most artistic and unique.

Nov 18, Mandy G.
The mural is not graffiti. It is a beautifully rendered work that offers a splash of color, a brush of happiness, and a glimpse into the mystery that art cultivates in us all.  This artwork has created a hope in my daughter that she can one day aspire to create

Nov 18, Haylee H.
the beautiful mural perfectly captures the creativity of our community

Nov 17, Ted B.
The art on the Heirloom building in no way looks like any graffiti I’ve seen.

Nov 17, Karl E.
It is a beautiful work of art that enhances the area.

Nov 17, Rebecca L.
Cowgirl Kitchen has a beautiful mural on 30a in Blue Mountain. Why not Heirloom Donuts on 98?

Nov 17, Phil B.
I’m ecstatic to have them coming to our area. Their shop, and its mural, are a credit to our neighborhood and adds a real touch of class.

Nov 17, Marguerite E.
One of the allures of the 30A area is the abundance of creative art and support of local businesses. The creativity and beauty of the mural on the Heirloom Donuts building embraces the spirit of artistic expression which is an integral part of the 30A lifestyle.

Nov 17, JoAnn H.
They approved the mural for the new McDonalds across from Publix in SWC and not this one for Heirloom Donuts?!!!
Same artist!

Nov 17,  Jim K.
We are supposed to be an “artsy” community that appreciates art forms of all types.

Nov 17, JJBJ M.
The new donut place seems to have a plan to bring folks together-folks of all types-to enjoy fellowship, sharing of ideas, and who doesn’t love donuts!!!!

Nov 17, Janet M.
Perhaps this could be the start of art education in our area teaching the difference between graffiti and wall art. Celebrity wall artists could be invited. Make an event of it.

Nov 17, Victoria S.
Lindsay’s beautiful art at Heirloom donuts is so very special…

Nov 16, Jeff and Joan H.
Like so many other beautiful murals already in place for years in our community, this new and amazing work of art should be celebrated and encouraged.

Nov 16
I drive by every day. Quite impressive and talented artwork also!

Nov 16, Art Lee D.
The Heirloom work of art is just that, a “work of art”–creative, innovative, striking and enticing me to enter into their place of business.

Nov 16, Nora V.
So does the Planning Department prefer a white wall to a beautiful mural?

Nov 15, Cynthia and James H
Beautiful mural.

Nov 15,  Terry E.
My husband and I love the beautiful mural that makes a drab building give us joy when we drive by.

Nov 15, Misty M.
I drive past that building at least three times a week and the mural is beautiful.

Nov 15, David H.
Heirloom Donuts’ mural is beautiful, colorful and welcoming.  It is just the opposite of graffiti. It also reminds us of the “heirloom” moments all of us grandparents (residents and snowbirds) want to have with our families.

Nov 15, Juliet W.
We drive past Heirloom Donuts almost daily heading to the beach down Thompson Rd. My first reaction to the wall art was WOW, THIS IS AMAZING!

While South Walton Life acknowledges the importance of maintaining the aesthetic standards of the US 98/331Scenic Corridor, we argue that this particular artwork transcends the definition of commercial signage. It is a carefully crafted piece of public art that aligns with—and indeed elevates—the area’s visual landscape.

We propose the following resolutions:

  1. Full Approval: Recognize the mural as a unique artistic contribution and grant a permanent exemption.
  1. Temporary Permit: Issue a special artistic permit allowing the mural to remain for a defined period, with potential annual review.

Heirloom Donuts represents more than a business; it symbolizes community, creativity, and the entrepreneurial spirit that makes South Walton County exceptional. The mural is not just paint on a wall—it’s a testament to local talent, community values, and the vibrant culture we collectively cherish. This artwork is quintessentially “South Walton”.

We respectfully request that the Design Review Board reconsider its current position and view this artwork as an asset rather than a violation.

Sowal Editor
Author: Sowal Editor

Views: 254