By Kirk McCarley
The notion of traveling through time has long captivated my imagination. From the Jay Ward produced cartoons that introduced us to historian canine, Peabody, and his pupil, Sherman, to the more sophisticated drama of fictional time travelers, Tony Newman and Doug Phillips from the Time Tunnel TV show, the concept provokes fascination at the “what if?”

Peabody’s student, Sherman
What if we really could take a vehicle back in time? What time would you go to? Even if it were possible, would you even be accepted in that era given your current knowledge and understanding? Or might you be considered a lunatic, arrested, locked up and put away, or even worse?

Mr. Peabody
We are sometimes asked what advice we would have given the younger version of ourselves if we were in fact afforded the opportunity to travel back. What would we say?
- Don’t be afraid to try new things.
- Rejection is sometimes redirection.
- Take risks.
- Stop caring what other people think.
- Travel and spend your money on experiences not things, you can’t take that dress with you when you die.
Regrets, things said that I wish I had not said, things not said that I should have said, reactions and over reactions.
Traveling through the Time Tunnel.

On Friday, November 22, 1963, I was in my first grade classroom. In a little while we’d be dismissed to go home to cartoons that afternoon and whatever activities the weekend would bring. Thanksgiving was next week!
In Fort Worth, Texas shortly after lunchtime, we were advised that our President had just been assassinated. I did not even know what that word meant but I do recall that in short order we were ordered to be picked up by our parents and ushered home. President Kennedy had just given a speech at our very own Fort Worth Hotel Texas that morning, before traveling to Dallas. I remember being sad, but even more disheartened that all my afternoon cartoons had been preempted.
Though only seven years old at the time, I regret having not fully appreciated the full scope of that historical event.
In 1980 I was in my first professional job out of college as a Personnel Director at a manufacturing plant. There was an industrial injury and major one at that–during an annealing (metal texturing process) an employee became literally inflamed. Panic-stricken he ran, further exacerbating the blaze. Burned over 90% of his body, he painfully endured 18 more days before finally succumbing.
I visited him in the hospital and watched him writhe in unfathomable pain. I regretted having no words of comfort or encouragement, whatsoever.
What we would give to do it all over–or maybe not.
In 1963 I was a kid. How unfair to myself to have thought I was supposed to have the intellectual capacity to process such a milestone event of the 20th century? Instead, how about considering myself fortunate to have witnessed such a dark and tragic history and recalled the parts that I have?
Seventeen years later as I watched my fellow worker suffer and writhe, might that have been an event for which words were woefully inadequate anyway? What’s to say that what would have been uttered would be meaningful, or even appropriate?
In reflection would my younger self have even heeded the advice and wisdom of my current version? Maybe, but more likely not. Had I followed those instructions would I be in better standing? Once again, it is possible, but I’ll accept where chance and circumstance provided delivery laughing at many more foibles and indiscretions that have brought me to today. Sure, I could have undoubtedly made stronger choices. Yet, there’s a peace with how it’s all turned out so far.
I’ll take it.
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