Green Thumb Garden Club Holiday Bazaar and Season of Giving Fundraisers Will Support Walton County Scholarships and Charities


Green Thumb

By Kathleen Edge, Publicity Chair

“Where Every Day is a Celebration” was the theme of the fourth annual Green Thumb Garden Club Holiday Bazaar that showcased unique seasonal décor and other items made by members and other local artists.  Special thanks to Cantina Laredo for allowing the Club to have the event, held on November 2, at their Grand Boulevard location

The Bazaar’s net proceeds will fund the 2025 Mercer Scholarship. This is awarded to deserving Walton County horticulture college students every year as well as youths participating in Timpoochee 4H Youth Camp and E.O. Wilson Biophilia Naturalists Outdoor Program.  Westonwood Ranch has been added as a GTGC scholarship recipient for 2025.

Eo Wilson Biophilia Center

Caring & Sharing of South Walton is receiving monetary and food donations prior to the Thanksgiving holiday.  Walton County Sherriff’s Santa Patrol will receive donated gifts and gift cards for young children and teenagers at the GTGC Holiday Party on December 12, 2024, at The Venue at the Royal Palm Grille.

The Club chose a well-deserving Walton County family, a mom and four children, as their 2024 Habitat for Humanity holiday family.  The family will receive monetary donations and gifts to help ensure a great holiday season for everyone.  The gifts will be delivered to the family in mid-December.

Fundraisers and distribution of donations will continue in 2025.  Please visit the Green Thumb Garden Club website to learn about our charitable mission, how to join and details on meetings, activities, and events. The website address is or send an email to

Santa Patrol Donation Poster 540x720

Sowal Editor
Author: Sowal Editor

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