

By Pete Hyde

Chaplain Pete Headshot Crop2018

They sat at a corner table directly in front of a wall of plate glass windows seemingly oblivious to the crowd at the small restaurant located in what is called “Under the Hill” in Natchez, Mississippi.  It was a typical muggy, lazy, Mississippi Sunday evening.  A flotilla of barges chugged slowly upstream under the bridge in the waning daylight, attracting the attention of tourists from around the world and locals as well.  Many got up from their tables for a moment to go outside and take a picture or two.

The couple in the corner was intent on their conversation and each other’s company.  She was dressed in a flowered print dress.  He wore a blue seersucker jacket, pink polo shirt, light blue slacks and white loafers.  His small wire-rimmed glasses sat down in his nose a bit.  His thinning hair was teased up to hide the bald spots.  A partial glass of wine sat in front of each of them.

We sat a couple of tables behind them enjoying each other’s company, but also enjoying our favorite pastime – people watching.  I wondered if that is what we are going to look like in few years when retirement hits and nights on the river would be special occasions.  I looked across the table at my beloved and said “thank-you” to myself.  I thought a prayer that asked that we might be that couple in a few years and that there may be some “younger” couple sitting a few tables away wishing they would turn out like us.

As I watched and tried not to stare, they looked into each other’s eyes as they spoke.  They laughed.  They sat in silence and gazed out upon the mighty river rolling relentlessly between the banks of trees at sunset.  The barges had almost disappeared around the bend upriver.

We enjoyed a wonderful meal and just enjoyed some precious private time together away from the stress of work and family.

The couple finished their meal just before us. After paying the bill and getting a small box to take home dessert, he stood and pulled her chair out for her as she got up.  We smiled to ourselves as they made their way between the crowded tables to head to who knows where.

The sun was settling low in the west when we finished our meal and headed outside to a bench on the bank of the mighty Mississippi.  God finished the day with the sun setting gloriously beyond the bridge, casting the colors of creation into infinity.  As darkness settled, the tourists and locals turned from “Old Man River” and returned to the restaurants or to their cars to head on their way somewhere.

God had gathered us there for a time of glory and worship.  There was even a lesson included for those who were open to receiving it.  Maybe the title was “Take Care of Your Relationships.”  Maybe it was “Take Time to Relax and Unwind.”  Maybe it was “Remember the Sabbath for I Have Made it Holy.”

We climbed in the car and headed to the hotel to get ready to travel home the next day.  But, in reality, we had been “home” that evening – “home” with each other – “home” with God.

Whatever this month holds for you, spend some time at “home.”  Home with those who are important to you.  Home with God, for He is in every place you will be today.  Have a great month at “HOME.”

Rev. Pete Hyde is the retired Pastor of the Santa Rosa Beach Community Church

Sowal Editor
Author: Sowal Editor

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