Emerald Coast Energy: It’s Not Easy Being Green


Chris BalzarBy Chris Balzer


“It’s not easy being green,” once sung a very wise Frog.  What does “Being Green” mean?  Being green covers many different elements: reducing, reusing and recycling; not littering; living sustainably; conserving energy; conserving materials; going zero-waste; fair-trade and ethical production; being carbon neutral; organic crop growing; being chemical-free; going off the grid… It makes sense why Kermit said it’s not easy being green and can be overwhelming.

To me, being green is respecting our environment by keeping it clean, using our resources the right way without wasting them and take actions to reduce our carbon footprint.   Taking simple steps, like turning off the lights in rooms and turning off the faucet when brushing your teeth can and does make a difference.  To move the needle further towards being green we have been taking some aggressive actions listed above to make change.  In the late 1970s, we were alerted that our ozone layer had a hole, and that hole was growing.  The ozone layer is 9 to 19 miles in the atmosphere and protects our planet from the sun’s harsh UV rays.  This layer protects ecosystems, plants, animals and us.  There is good news.  In October 2019, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) reported that our ozone layer hole is the smallest recorded.  What?!  Yes, the ozone is actually shrinking because of the changes we made along with ideal weather conditions.  The ozone hole does fluctuate regularly. Scientists expect the ozone hole to shrink to the size it was in 1980 by 2070.

Being energy efficient is going green.  Everything has a carbon footprint or can be linked to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.  One way we can be green is by buying local, using fewer resources to get the product or service to you.  At ECES we focus on homes which on average produce 7.5 tons of CO2 emissions.  By taking actions to increase energy efficiency, you increase your comfort and reduce your CO2 footprint.  These actions include  properly air sealing your home.  These unintended gaps and cracks cause poor air quality and loose energy costing you money.  Having the right insulation is important.  If your home was built in or before 2004, your attic’s home may be under-insulated.  New construction codes now has increased the required attic insulation R value by 61% to R-30. Radiant Barriers are becoming a vital component to energy efficiency.  By adding a radiant barrier along with additional insulation in the attic which reflects 97% of radiant heat and can reduce your attic’s temperature by 30 to 40 degrees in the summer making your duct work and insulation more efficient. This saves money and increases your comfort.  Another way to become more energy efficient is through our windows.  Replacing windows can be expensive.  There are virtually clear window films which reflect 94% of radiant heat and almost all of the harsh UV rays, increasing comfort and the life of furniture and flooring.  These films won’t change the architecture and are great for sunrooms, store fronts or restaurants.   Another area to consider  is the  crawl space under our home.  These areas go unmonitored and traditionally use a batt insulation and netting which unfortunately fails over time causing energy loss.


There are many ways we can become more energy efficient, be Green, increase comfort and save money.  It takes awareness and a professional with tools and knowledge to identify these areas and educate on ways to become more energy efficient and be Green like Kermit.

Chris Balzer is Founder and President of Emerald Coast Energy Solutions (ECES) a Smile Provider Company.  We provide smiles to our customers after installing our high energy efficient products, increasing comfort and lowering energy bills.  For more information on how to save this summer and become energy efficient schedule an inspection by calling (850) 588-2870, visit www.trusteces.com or email wecare@trusteces.com and Beat the Heat.

Sowal Editor
Author: Sowal Editor

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