Just a Few More


By Rev. Pete Hyde

Chaplain Pete Headshot Crop2018

Just a few more days until Christmas. Just a few more days to get in the spirit of the secular celebration.  Just a few more days to make those final travel plans.  Just a few more days.  It’s on the news.  It’s in all the commercials.  It’s in all the ads that clutter social media. One almost wants to scream, “Repent for the end is near! Please let the end be near!!”  Some of us want to scream, “Praise God, for the end of the season is near!”  I guess I need to get out my “Bah-Humbug” sign.

Just a few more days to get in the spirit of Christmas, to get filled by the Spirit of Christ, to share the Spirit of Christmas, to be the Spirit of Christmas – now there’s a challenge for you.  Just a few more days to get past the syrupy Hallmark sentimentality of Christmas always ending up “happily ever after.”  Just a few more days to get past the presents under the tree and find the Nativity scene and be reminded of why we celebrate.  Just a few more days to get over the stress of Christmas dinner and remember the last dinner shared by Jesus and the disciples on his last night on earth before he gave his life for you and me.

Just a few more days to grasp the reality of Christmas.  This little, sweet baby, who carols claimed didn’t even cry, lying in a manger with mom and dad, shepherds, cows, donkeys, horses, sheep and wise men all gathered around would change the world for eternity in his short life here on earth.  His earthly ministry would only span three years during which he would challenge the status quo, the hierarchy of the church, the government and even a building.  He had no church board or denomination or TV or radio show or Monday morning devotional.

He would have a message, a mission and a group of dedicated followers who were willing to carry the mission and message even after he had left them.  He would have a singular vision, mission and goal – to save the world for the sake of God’s kingdom.  He would touch lives, hearts and souls as he journeyed through his short life that the “authorities” would end for their own purposes.

Just a few more days to realize He was and is so much more than a baby lying in a manger.  He was and is the Son of God.  He came as the Light of the World.  He came that we might have life and have it abundantly.  He came to save us from our sins and bring us into a relationship with God His Father.  He came to gather dedicated followers who spread His message to the world in which we live.  He came to be in ministry and mission as an example of what our mission and ministry should be.  He was from the “beginning.”

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” (John 1: 1-5).

Just a few more days and we celebrate the coming of the Savior, the coming of the Promised One, the coming of a new age, the coming of a new way of “doing church”, a new opportunity to commit our lives to God and dedicated followers.  Are you ready?  Just a few more days!

Rev. Pete Hyde serves as chaplain with the South Walton Fire District

Sowal Editor
Author: Sowal Editor

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