Lotus Life (with Lauren Catanese) – Forgiveness


“Forgiveness is the scent the lavender makes from the heel that crushes it.” I have always loved that quote.

I think forgiveness is highly misunderstood but one of the most important steps on our road to transformation. Maybe you feel that forgiveness means you are saying what someone did to you is ok, you accept their behavior or actions. But that’s not it at all. Forgiveness has nothing to do with anyone else other than you. Forgiveness is not something you give to anyone else; forgiveness is a gift to yourself. If someone did something to hurt you, you are not saying it’s ok that you hurt me- I will just let it go and be open to it happening again. Forgiveness says, I forgive the situation, and I will no longer will the emotional poison or hurt from that situation to continue to affect me or bother me in the present. It’s letting go of the past so it no longer affects you in the presnt. You release, heal and let it go.

Once we learn that forgiving others is really about learning to forgive ourselves, then the fun begins. Forgiving ourselves is one of the hardest things we do, but the most fulfilling. Just say to your self, “I forgive myself and I set myself free.” How does it feel? Maybe say it again, and really mean it. Really allow yourself to let go of all the times you were less than perfect, and realize that you are still lovable.

We are not meant to be perfect. We are meant to be human. We are meant to come here and be a work in progress, learn, change, grow, evolve. And if you’re stuck in a sea of self-pity and poor me, it will take longer to get there. If you are one of those that says, forgive, but I didn’t do anything wrong? Then know that it’s not about whose fault it is or whom to blame. It’s about taking responsibility for what we are creating in our lives.
So if a heel crushes your petals, find that love within, listen to the lesson, give thanks, leave it there, and shine on, and lighten your energy. Summer is here and it will be hot enough without having to carry around extra weight.

Forgiveness Exercise by John Randolph Price:

What you will need:
Paper, pen, safe and loving space and uninterrupted time.

Write down every person that has irritated, hurt, and bothered you ever. Just jot down the names you don’t have to put too much thought into this. If their face or name comes up, no matter how small the incident write down their names. Go until you can’t think of any more, this could be 30 to 40 names or more. Don’t forget to write your own name down. Then one by one, go through the list thinking of each person and saying:

“I love you. I forgive you and I release you now. I hold no forgiveness back. I am free and you are free, thank you.”

SWal Life
Author: SWal Life

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