Love is in the Air


Love is in the Air

By Lauren Catanese

Love is in the air! Can you feel it? It starts in your face with a smile, then flutters down to your heart. It opens up space for the light to come in and the joy to fill you and your world! It’s magical! It puts everything at ease and warms you, even if it’s cold outside. Love is grand.

Shift your vibration and shift your world, allow for the good to come in by letting go of what was. Jump into your life with arms stretched out wide and with a smile. Close your eyes and take the leap. You can always go back. But I have a feeling that once you get there, you won’t want to. Every step in our life we take is a movement and action towards our dreams, our DIVINE DESTINY. We are making steps daily on our path, our journey. Some day it might feel like we are soaring other days feels like we are going backwards. But no matter the distance we travel, day-to-day the journey is one that that can be seen as a whole over a lifetime.

There is a lot out there to distract your focus and make you want to hide. There are fears and worries, but there is always light. What do you want to focus on? When you take your step do you want it to be with faith or with fear? You choose. Yes literally you choose every single vibration of each step. That’s the power you have. Why not choose love? Why not choose faith?

If you are worrisome, say “Just for today I am not going to worry.” Feel it leave. Then say, “I choose peace instead.” I love easy mantras, they are wonderful tools to busy our mind and help us remember who has control of the thoughts in our head. Give love a try. Say yes to your life. Hug your loved ones. Help your neighbors. Give to a stranger. And share your gifts and stories with anyone who will listen. Take a chance. You are here. Why not? In the words of Garth Brooks, “Sail your vessel until the river runs dry.”

Hard to think about running out of water in our town by the sea, but that’s just the point! With the abundance that is given to us, go create a life and leave your legacy.

Happy Valentines Day of love to You, SoWal.

SWal Life
Author: SWal Life

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