Recap of Business Empowered Luncheon with Cynthia Kennedy


Recap of Business Empowered Luncheon with Cynthia Kennedy

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The August Business Empowered group was blessed with a presentation by Cynthia Kennedy, a realtor and Certified Legacy Trainer for Zig Ziglar.  Cynthia is a South Walton native of 34 years. She spoke on the topic “Live to Win: 7 weeks and 7 principles to achieving balanced success”. “The big problem”, she says, “is that most people lack a compelling why in their life and business.  Without the why, our goals and objectives become ‘wandering generalities’, not sure of where to go or what to do next.  Knowing your why will take you from success to significance.”

Cynthia discussed  7 “Live to Win” principals:

  1. Input. What you feed your mind determines your appetite.
  2. Character and integrity. Trust is a byproduct of integrity.
  3. Persistent consistency. Do it and you will feel motivated to do it.
  4. Influence and example.  If we could teach our kids one thing it would be the discipline of creating winning habits.
  5. Dreams. Work for a dream and not a paycheck.
  6. Goals. A goal properly set is halfway reached.
  7. Attitude x effort x skill = performance. When your image improves so does performance.

The presentation was impressively filled with many nuggets of truth that those in attendance could grasp and take with them into the marketplace.

Zig Ziglar Inc, founded by its legendary namesake, specializes in personal development training, coaching, sales, and small business development through their Certified Training programs.  Cynthia says, “I have made it my personal mission to promote the Zig Ziglar Legacy as the most effective, balanced and proven system for achieving true success in life. Zig believed we were all meant to succeed, we were all born to win and that ‘failure’ was not a person but an event.”  For more information or to have Cynthia speak to your group or organization call (850) 585-8033 or email

Join Business Empowered for their next luncheon on Wednesday, September 21st at Marie’s Bistro from 12:00-1:30pm. The cost is $17 for BE members and $22 for guests. To make a reservation or for more information about Business Empowered, contact Santiago Rodriguez at

SWal Life
Author: SWal Life

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