Road to Redemption: Hannah Rodriguez – Electronics and Anxiety in Children


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By Victoria Ostrosky

For a multitude of Americans, life seems plagued with stress and uncertainty.  Anxiety cripples not only adults, but children and teens in an increasing number.  While some adults have learned, to an extent, to deal with and overcome anxiety and fear, young children don’t as yet possess those skills.

We know stress and anxiety aren’t new, of course.  The Bible is filled with life stories of despair turning to hope and peace.  It’s easy to read the stories, but absorbing their lessons and making them our own takes practice and steadfastness of purpose.  As the Psalmist David prayed – “thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path.”

Hannah Rodriguez, one of the counselors at Lunday Counseling Center in Destin, comes alongside and works primarily with children and adolescents.  She knows the extent to which many are dealing with fear and uncertainty and insecurity.  Hannah has found that access to electronics is a huge contributing factor in creating anxiety, particularly in young people.  “The more time they spend on electronics, the more anxious they become.  They aren’t developing tools and skills to find ways to deal with their emotions.”

In the eons before electronics, children played outside, used their imaginations to build things and play games with other friends or just by themselves.  Friend groups were small and face-to-face.  Now, we deal with anyone anywhere in the world.  As Hannah says about children, “they need to do things with their hands to be creative, that they can go to when they’re feeling anxious to calm themselves down.”  Art has always been a wonderful way to express ourselves and release emotion, rather than keeping it pent up inside.

Hannah Rodrigues

Because children model what they see, it’s incumbent upon parents and other adults to be positive role models.  “Parents need to make sure they’re setting an example that aligns with the Word of God.  Words have such power.  Avoid negative and critical words.”  As parents exemplify self-control, children will feel safe.  “Have clear boundaries and discipline.  Follow through or they won’t trust you.”

Young children, as parents learn early on, love to push against the fence, as it were.  They want to know if the rules mom and dad have set are real or not.  Those boundaries, when they’re enforced, make children feel safe.  It’s a safety net, as it were.  It tells them they are loved.  Nowadays, the thinking appears to be that losing is always bad.  But any successful person will tell you that’s not true.  “Allow children to lose.  It’s important to fail.  It is important to their development as they learn to solve their own problems.  Guide them but allow them to work to solve the problem.”

Hannah understands the threats our children face daily online, and she stresses the importance of the family spending time together in the Word.  “We must get our priorities straight.  He is what holds everything together.” A great rule to follow as a family is to find ways to do things together.  Laughing together creates a bond.  The stronger and more unified the marriage, the more the children will feel secure.

God placed us in families for a reason.  He also surrounded us with community that is essential to our maturity.  As believers, we are reminded that Jesus has given us His peace. “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”  Getting in the Word and memorizing scripture works like medicine to the soul.  The more you know and the more you experience the presence of God, the less stress and anxiety you will have, and that isn’t age dependent.  There is no fast fix.  As Jesus said – “abide in Me and I will abide in you.”

You can listen to Hannah Rodriguez’ entire interview and many other incredible stories on the weekly Road to Redemption radio show and podcast at

Sowal Editor
Author: Sowal Editor

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