Road to Redemption: Holli Detweiler


By Victoria Ostrosky

Road To Redemption

In June of 2004, Holli Detweiler checked into the hospital for an outpatient procedure.  Her anxiety level was high because her dad had died after being put under anesthetic for an outpatient procedure years before.  But she went ahead with her appointment because she needed to know if she had endometriosis, which could affect her ability to be a mother.

While under anesthesia, there was a complication, and Holli’s heart stopped. The doctors worked diligently to stabilize her.  She was in the ICU in Pensacola for seven days in an induced coma, and her family waited to see if she would be ok.

About four millennia ago, God miraculously brought the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage, where they were more than spectators of God’s miracles. They had front row seats to Egypt’s progressive destruction delivered one plague at a time, while they remained safe in Goshen.  The cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night was their protection and their guide as they journeyed to the Promised Land.  The Red Sea opened for their safe passage on dry ground.

Spectators?  No.  They were participants.  But they were even more than that.  Those stiff-necked Hebrews were the reason God was acting in the first place.  His covenant with their forefathers and His steadfast love for them compelled His actions.

In Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount, He described the short-lived wildflowers and how their beauty surpasses even that of Solomon.  He spoke about the birds and God’s provision for them, and that He knows when even one falls to the ground.  The Father loves His creation and, especially, His redeemed ones.


Humans experience life in three dimensions, but we’re aware of more.  Einstein and others believe there are actually ten dimensions.  We know there’s the spiritual dimension that is active even though we can’t see it.  Constant warfare, as explained by the Apostle Paul, is being waged in the unseen realm.  As a counter-measure, he exhorts us to suit up and fight against the enemy of our souls.

While Holli was in the induced coma, she recounts an NDE (near death experience).  “I remember a bright light overtaken by reds and blues and blacks.  Then the light would take over again.  I was temporarily out of my body, and I heard voices and saw images.  I believe the bright light showed me that God was there.”

As she began to awaken from her coma, she told her mom that she was at peace with dying.  “I’m ready to go home.”  But God had other plans.  Holli found out later that a man had come to the hospital and had prayed over her while she was in the induced coma.

After her release from the hospital, Holli underwent therapy to help get her strength back. “I was in dark places and couldn’t understand what had happened.”  To this day, she still struggles at times with PTSD and depression.

Even as believers, we sometimes become filled with anxiety and fear.  Even crippling anxiety.  As believers we know God doesn’t want us living in defeat, so how do we fight back and overcome?  Getting in the Word, staying in the Word, and prayer.  The more we ingest the living Word, the more the Spirit speaks to our hearts.  The more the Spirit speaks, the more we desire to commune in prayer with our Heavenly Father. This is how we abide in Christ, just as Jesus encouraged us to do. In this scenario, spiritual growth isn’t optional.  It’s exponential.

When Holli recounts her experience, she says “I learned a lot.  I was floored at the amount of people who prayed for me and supported me financially, and how they came together.”  She absolutely believes in miracles.

And although she still struggles, God has blessed her with a loving husband and three children. “God’s not done with me yet and I work on hearing His voice.”  And when it comes to anxiety –  “Don’t stop praying and believing.  God might not answer how and when you want but He always has your back.”

You can catch Holli Detweiler’s entire interview and listen to many other incredible stories on the weekly Road to Redemption radio show and podcast at

Sowal Editor
Author: Sowal Editor

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