Sacred Heart Nurse Honored with Nursing Excellence Award


Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast (SHHEC) recently honored one of its nurses with the 2017 Nurse Excellence Award in recognition of the exceptional care she provides to patients.

Nina Jeffords, Chief Operating Officer/Chief Nursing Officer at Sacred Heart recognized Jennifer Tucker, RN, of the hospital’s Emergency Department with this award. Tucker has been with Sacred Heart Hospital for 5 years.

A fellow associate said of Jennifer, “She is a strong patient advocate; utilizing her resources to provide any assistance available to those under her care. She is often seen praying with or for her patients. She embraces an ever changing environment with an open mind and a collaborative spirit. When the department is overwhelmed, her voice can always be heard saying ‘what can I do to help.’”

Jeffords also recognized the following nominees for the hospital’s annual award:

Tracy Perk, RN, Emergency Department
Stacey Queen, RN, Family Birth Place; and
Debra Brodie, RN, Perioperative Services Department

“I am extremely proud of our nurses,” said Jeffords. “They are instrumental to creating a culture of high quality and safety for our patients and staff. The support and commitment of nurses who lead the charge to build healthy communities, advocating for the poor and needy and fighting for all to have access to health care exemplifies the mission of Sacred Heart Hospital and I am thankful for the positive impact they bring to our ministry.”

Each year, fellow employees, physicians and patients submit recommendations of nurses for the Nurse Excellence Awards. Nurses are selected based on their commitment to criteria including leadership, community involvement and educational development.

SWal Life
Author: SWal Life

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