SEASIDE Institute™ Presents an Evening of Inspiration with Ray Gindroz


by Kimberly Stanley, Seaside Institute

SEASIDE Institute™ recently held their Speaker Series, an event where distinguished speakers and authors engage in discussions with the public. The series opened with Ray Gindroz, a renowned architect celebrated for his passionate advocacy of new urbanism. Gindroz’s presentation offered an in-depth look at his latest project, a compilation of sketches featured in his recent book, Taking a Pen For a Walk.

The book serves as both a visual diary and a thoughtful exploration of urban environments, providing a unique perspective on familiar places through the eyes of an artist. For Gindroz, the publication marks the realization of a long-held dream to gather his sketches from around the globe into a single volume, allowing readers to experience his journey through unique spaces and places. During the presentation, Gindroz stated that he believes the town of Seaside is a città delle idee or “city of ideas” as it has evolved over the decades due to a compilation of ideas and best practices recommended by experts from around the globe. The foreword of his book was written by SEASIDE® cofounder, Robert Davis.

In an era where routine can lead to complacency, discovering new places through an artistic lens offers a refreshing perspective. Taking a Pen For a Walk celebrates the art of drawing and Gindroz encourages readers to “take their pens for a walk” through cities and communities, exploring intricacies and uncovering their hidden narratives, one line at a time. He views sketching not only as a form of artistic expression but also as a way to engage with and understand the complexities of urban spaces.

Gindroz’s sketches capture the essence of urban environments, from the detailed architecture of historic cathedrals to the subtle charm of everyday buildings. Each sketch invites readers to reflect on the relationship between structures, streets, and their inhabitants, shedding light on the elements that define good design and the interactions people have with their surroundings.

Through themes such as “conversation” and “connection”, Gindroz examines various facets of urban life, including the statements made by buildings and the historical layers embedded in cityscapes. His approach encourages readers to ponder the deeper meanings of the spaces we inhabit and their impact on our experiences. Gindroz believes hand-drawing these scenes is an essential skill that nurtures creativity, understanding, and a profound connection to the built environment—skills that are increasingly overshadowed by the digital age.

Looking ahead, Gindroz’s forthcoming book, tentatively titled City Building for People, promises to explore the social and perceptual dimensions of urban design in even greater depth. Through this work, he aims to inspire architects and urban planners to create spaces that prioritize the needs and experiences of their inhabitants.

After Gindroz’s talk, attendees had the opportunity to chat with the author while having their books signed at Sundog Books before they took part in a cocktail reception at 87 Central. The reception was sponsored in part by VIE® Magazine.

SEASIDE Institute™ remains committed to fostering connections among individuals and organizations who share a passion for community and environmental stewardship. Through initiatives like the Speaker Series, the nonprofit continues to inspire sustainable, inclusive, and vibrant communities, nurturing a world where every corner reflects a story of connection. For more information or to become a member, visit

Ray Gindroz And Seaside Cofounder, Robert Davis. Photo Credit Christy Milliken
Ray Gindroz and Seaside Cofounder, Robert Davis. Photo Credit: Christy Milliken
Sowal Editor
Author: Sowal Editor

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