The Lotus Life: Moments in Between


By Lauren Catanese

Life can be sporadic, fleeting, a busy dance, a merry go around. Moving from one activity, job, check list item, goal to goal to the next. We can find time to eat, enjoy our family and play. But then there are still moments that if we pause when they are there, a space that easily can just slip on by unnoticed; that’s the space, the moment in between. It’s an internal time out that catches us briefly and has more power to rejuvenate our souls then hours of sleep. It’s a tuning in, a connection to our deepest self that allows us to take a moment, feel the truth, expand our ability to love, and come back to peace.

Lotus Life

These are the golden moments in a life that helps us to slow down, take time for gratitude, to see a new perspective, to adjust any actions we are considering. These pause, brief spaces of juiciness will bring you back to yourself every time. In an instant you can be realigned to your desires. Fear will subside. And love will reign supreme. It’s the time that if we can bring them into awareness our life somehow fills up and doesn’t feel so rushed and us non-existent. We find that we are empowered beings, co-creating our life and being the captain of our fate. It’s simple. So simple that what’s makes it so easy to fly by them without even realizing we missed it. So if I can encourage anything into your life this next month, it’s to spend each day, noticing and taking the time to fall in love with the moments in between.

Steps to get there:

  1. As you transition throughout your day, in between tasks, take a pause. Close your eyes a few breaths and feel yourself there wherever it may be.
  2. When your feelings come on strong and you want to ignore them and keep going, use this as an alarm clock and take that moment to pause. Again recognize your attention shifting from whatever is going on outside, and take your focus inward.
  3. Your daily routine can become full of moments of bliss! When you are in an activity that has become habitual and doesn’t require a lot of thought, give yourself permission to breathe a little deeper, connect to your heart with intention and a smile come to your face. This will be an invitation for your heart to open, your guard to let down and space to fill you up. Great time to ask, if I can do anything right now to show myself how much I am loved, what would it be?

Happy soul time, SoWal!

SWal Life
Author: SWal Life

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