By Lauren Catanese
I believe in a blessed life, where we get to live and experience the highest version of ourselves. It is possible. Like Mr. Impossible, a children’s book I read as a child, told the story of a funny character who no matter what obstacle he came against, he would find a way through it; not always in the same way. With each new task he came to, he became a little wiser from the last. No matter the challenge, the theme was always the same; anything was possible. Even when he wanted to fly. Guess what Mr. Impossible did, he believed anything was possible, and for him it was- Even flying.
The seasons change and so do we, learning as we go along, about who we are becoming, along our journey. Making strides, stumbling, expanding, taking risks, life brings us through a lot. Faith is being in the dark and knowing that the light is still shining. Feeling the heaviness of a storm but looking towards the clear sky on the other side. Our soul calls to us, asking us to keep reaching higher. We have to be willing to keep going, even in the moments of indecision. WE have to believe in the possible!
So when life gets tough, anxiety builds, and you begin to feel an overwhelming pressure that seems almost too much to bear; Do not give in. Do not let the pain encompass who you are. Remember you are on a journey and this shall pass. Keep believing it’s possible to move through it. And you will. Trust me it’s possible. Here are some tips when you are in that space, but know that you are meant for more. Because in your soul you know you were meant to fly!
- Trust that your inner knowing is always guiding. Even in the moments when you feel you are alone, you are not. We are never alone. We have an internal guiding compass that is there always waiting for us to listen to its message and lead us to where we want to go. We will not always know in our minds what the best strategy or choice to make is, we are too emotionally involved. But our inner knowing, sees through all of that, and will steer you where you need to go.
- Support- Having at least one friend, two is even better, who you can call and share your heart too is a Godsend. Someone that loves you for you, accepts you without judgement, and understands life’s ups and downs, is a gift in these moments. There are also many social media sites that have uplifting messages, words of wisdom, and offer support. There is support out there for you, be open to what’s best for you.
Shift- When we feel the heaviness of negative emotion, we will not feel peace until we shift our energy. Switch from fear-based thoughts and vibration into one of love. There are many ways to do this and you will find what works best for you. Walking on the beach, exercise, meditation, giving yourself a hug, closing your eyes and imagining the outcome you desire, remembering a happy moment in your life, writing in your journal what you are grateful for. It might be the simplest action, but you will feel the shift within, and lightness will remind you of the love that is always possible.
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