The Mysterious Lure of Travel


travel with jodell haverfieldBy JoDell Haverfield, Have Travel Memories

One hundred years ago in January, a young writer from England embarked on a 10-month luxury voyage around the world with her husband. She was 31 years old. Her first novel had been published just two years earlier. On her trip she would surf in Hawaii, cruise the Zambezi River, and ride the train through Australia’s Dandenong Ranges. These experiences would find their way into her later works.

Throughout her novels, foreign destinations became more than just a backdrop – they almost became the characters in her books. She traveled many times on the thrilling train that inspired one of her most famous novels, “Murder on the Orient Express.”

By now you know I am referring to the author Agatha Christie. Whether it was a suite at Brown’s Hotel, a luxury ship or train, her travels were a huge influence on her writing. She was very courageous in her youth as she traveled alone to Syria and Iraq, where she met her second husband and later assisted him in his archaeological digs. “Death on the Nile” was published four years after they cruised the Nile River. Many claim their 1958 trip to Barbados was the setting and inspiration for Agatha’s novel “A Caribbean Mystery.”

By the time Agatha Christie reached the height of her fame, she was an older woman, but it all started with the adventures of her youth. When she first went to Baghdad, she was on her own. She got on a train in London and stopped off in Istanbul. Later, with her first husband and then her second husband, she would travel the whole world. While for most of us our travels won’t make us famous, but they will make us happier.

There is something in our psychological well being about the travel experience. Growing evidence shows that travel is good for body and mind and taking a vacation is more than just a fun diversion from the grind of daily life. Psychologists call it the Easterlin paradox. Travel literally rewires the brain; it reduces depression and just the anticipation of a vacation makes you happier. Perhaps this explains why after the pandemic and mandates, travel is one of the busiest and highest grossing industries. Millennials value experiences over stuff, and science says they might be onto something.

The Mysterious Lure of TravelCruising the Holiday High Seas
A few years ago, my husband and I had the opportunity to host several couples on a Crystal Cruise during the Christmas season. I wasn’t really thrilled about cruising during the busy holidays, even though Crystal is a luxury cruise line and a favorite of many of my clients. “What, Me? Not excited about going on a cruise!?” I know you don’t believe me, but it’s true. We had never sailed at Christmas, and I expected to be eager to get home to my long list of things to do. However, we soon discovered that even with our cruise experience, we seriously underestimated a Crystal Christmas. Soon we became what is known as “Crystalized!” Their 6-Star personalized service and sophisticated atmosphere have long been a favorite of cruise enthusiasts. Crystal Cruises is the world’s most awarded cruise line. Spending time on a Christmas ship transports guests to a winter wonderland and truly magical world. Since that Christmas cruise, Dave and I have sailed the Holiday High Seas a few more times, especially with our grandchildren, sharing with them the magic of a Christmas cruise. Every cruise line from family to luxury celebrates Christmas so there’s a holiday cruise for every budget. A few of my clients even wrap up a cruise ship, plane or train as a gift under the tree.

Very Special Cruises
Through the years, I have had the pleasure of helping my clients plan trips as gifts and surprise trips for other special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, reunions, retirements, honeymoons and more. I have even helped two clients plan bucket list trips for their terminally ill spouses and one terminally ill client asked me to help him plan his dream trip, to take his family on an Alaska cruise before he passed. I personally witnessed the joy and comfort these trips brought to my clients and their families. The family memories will last forever.

During the pandemic, the entire world lost the right to travel. Now that all the mandates have been lifted and travel is back to normal, think about planning a trip in 2023 or 2024. Make memories with those you love! This week, our team will head for Israel to see where Christ was born and walk where he walked in preparation for our November 2023 tour to the Holy Land. Those who did the 2022 tour absolutely loved it.

I wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas!

~JoDell, CEO and Luxury Travel Advisor at Have Travel Memories Vacations

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