SoWal Life March 2018


The pause before the Spring

By Lauren Catanese

Spring is hopping around the corner and I couldn’t be more excited! The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and the beaches are not crowded just yet. This moment in time before the summer season hits reminds me of how we too can sometimes have a moment of pause before our life takes off.  At the beginning of the year we began to manifest our dreams, goals and desires, and at this point we are hopefully and very likely starting to see some of those manifestations take place.

Now I for one, even with my desire to change, can still feel a little bit of resistance as the changes that I want to make actually start happening. It’s one thing to say I want this or that but when it begins to manifest and take form, we have to be willing to let go of what we had in order to receive what we want. We can feel this transition as resistance. Change is imminent. It also can be a little nerve-racking. We get comfortable, maybe even too comfortable, in our normal day to day. So when we finally make a proclamation of change and then see and feel it take hold, we sometimes want to put the on the brakes. We feel some hesitation, and think that maybe we want things to just stay the same. But when we can release that resistance and recognize it for what it really is, that is when miracles happen. And before we know it we are living our dreams.

All the desiring, wishing, believing and action steps we do to create new things contribute to your desires beginning to appear in your life. So how do we keep out of our own way, and allow our newfound wishes to take hold? And do it without getting scared or trying to run backwards?

Here are some helpful tips to keep you springing forward:

  1. Breathe, and let it come to you! Just simply breathing and bringing yourself back to the present moment. It is the best thing that you can do for yourself and your dreams. When you can feel the resistance or fear rising, simply stop what you’re doing and breathe! Close your eyes if you need to. And listen to and feel your breath. Follow the sound it makes. Coming back to your breath will help you re-center and be in the present moment. From this space you can allow your dreams to come to you. Surrender into the moment and trust in it the whole way!


  1. Make sure you stay in alignment! Have daily check-ins with yourself and higher power. Take the time, to close your eyes and picture yourself living your dreams or whatever it is you want to manifest. Keep feeling into that moment and let the vibration of love take over.


  1. Be grateful! Sometimes when we pray or desire something, take all the steps to create it, and then it actually happens we let the moment pass us by without giving thanks. We put all the energy into creating it, then forget to be grateful when it manifests. So when you get there, fully appreciate your goal. Celebrate yourself and give thanks back to all who helped make it so ☺

And remember- Dream. Believe. Do. Repeat.

SWal Life
Author: SWal Life

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