By Gueary Clendenning
What was the perfect gift you received as a child during Christmas? You know, the one gift that stands out in your memory even after all these years?
I remember my perfect gift was a fully loaded red chrome Schwinn bicycle! How many of you from my generation got that bike for Christmas? But of the gifts we all received, I would think being with family and friends is what we cherished the most.
Living in Illinois for many years, driving home in the snow, and listening to carols being played on the radio was a lot of fun. At Grandfather’s house, some of us would sleep on the floor, so all the family could stay together. On Christmas morning, we would be awakened by the shouting of the Children, “Wake up it’s Christmas!” Reading the Christmas story from St. Luke’s gospel was first on the agenda. Then we would pray, giving thanks to God for sending His Son. Afterward, some would share what they were most thankful for. Next was the madhouse, as everyone started opening their gifts. Joy and laughter filled the room as we modeled our new clothes and opened sometimes unexpected gifts. And soon the living room floor was littered with Christmas wrappings and ribbons.
Breakfast was always special on Christmas day, which always included sausage gravy and biscuits with various egg casseroles. Can you tell there’s a little Southern blood in us? And Christmas dinner, what a feast! A huge bowl of chicken and dumplings, garden salad, and freshly baked dinner rolls was the tradition at our house; followed by desserts we couldn’t resist! The memories have lasted a lifetime.
I realize for some, Christmas is a difficult time. Many have experienced heartaches, broken relationships, disappointments, and the passing of family members. Such is the case with me.
Is that why God sent his Son? Into an imperfect world, Jesus came, showing God’s love for us by dying on the cross. He paid the penalty for our sins, and through putting our faith in Him we will become children of God.
(Read St. John 1:12 and 3:16 and Romans 10:13). The perfect gift is to spend Christmas with God and His family forever. That’s God’s ultimate purpose for you!
May you receive God’s perfect gift this Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all!
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