May marks the culmination of one hundred eighty days of EPIC work! Students, teachers, and administrators begin to reflect on their progress and recognize successes. Awards ceremonies are planned, concerts are presented, art shows unveil student artistic abilities and seniors look forward to creating Capstone projects representing four years of hard work!
The backdrop of these wonderful events is the commencement ceremonies that will take place across the county. Seniors on each campus are looking forward to a new chapter in their lives, moving on to college, careers, or the military. We applaud each graduate for the hard work they’ve committed to and their dedication to completing the task. Please check your graduate’s school website for details on capping, baccalaureate, and graduation dates. Congratulations to all of our district seniors!
Assessments are wrapping up around the district as students showcase the academic capability they’ve acquired from expert teachers! Student success comes through the partnership of parents, volunteers, and the community! We look forward to celebrating each student and school as reports of their excellence are posted!
The Walton County School District and Superintendent Hughes value teachers as evident during Teacher Appreciation Week 2024. In partnership with local businesses, Superintendent Hughes asked local establishments to participate in the recognition of educators and educational staff by offering discounts, gifts or prizes. Businesses responded overwhelmingly, and teachers and staff were appreciative. In return, Walton School District employees were asked to patronize local businesses to support local owners. Thank you to each partner who contributed or made special offers to our educators!
Walton County School District has proven its commitment to being the #1 school district in the state, but this competitive dedication flows into our extra-curricular activities as well. We are proud to announce district finalists in baseball, basketball, tennis, track, and weightlifting. Congratulations to South Walton High School, Walton High School, and Paxton schools!
We want to continue on the road to academic excellence and our schools are committed to helping students maintain the learning they’ve gained. Summer Bridge and Summer Reading Camps will begin around the District on June 10 – July 18 to prevent the “summer slide.” This is the loss that occurs for student over the summer months when they are not practicing or applying the skills they’ve learned during the year. Check your student’s school website for more information. These extended learning opportunities will be suspended for the week of July 1-5 to observe the Fourth of July holiday. Summer VPK begins on June 5, Please contact Ms. Pam Jones at (850) 892-1100 for further information regarding these students. Looking for summer fun for your child, contact Ms. Wyndy Crozier regarding dates and times for SPICE in your area.
Our EPIC Van will begin summer learning tours from June 10 through July 11. If you would like more information, please use the Let’s Talk feature on our District web page. This community digital tool automatically delivers your text questions to the appropriate personnel for a speedy reply. Text 850.204.9667 or click “contact us” on the WCSD webpage.
Superintendent Hughes wishes everyone a safe and fun summer but want to remind you to stay vigilant and keep safe over the break. Mr. Hughes reminds students to:
Swim with a friend, never alone
Wear sunscreen to protect yourself while out enjoying the sunny weather
Stay hydrated during your summer games
And for our students who drive, practice defensive driving.
Our school year will resume on August 2 for teachers and August 12 for students. Have a safe and fun break!
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