What’s On – 30a TV Telethon


Fundraising – TV style – 3rd Annual Emerald Coast Children’s Advocacy Center telethon

In 2015, Paul Vizard approached Julie Hurst at Emerald Children’s Advocacy Centers (ECCAC) in Niceville to co host a “Jerry Lewis” style televised Telethon, to raise money and create awareness for what the ECCAC actually does.

The 30A TV television Telethon is now set for year 3, having raised $17,000 the first year, and over $33,000 in year two. This year’s event is set for November 30th, 6-9pm to be held at AJ’s Grayton Beach. Audience wristbands are available for $25 on the night, which will include a beverage and choice of several appetizers.

In previous years, the telethon has been a mixture of in depth interviews and entertainment. This year is no exception. Luke Langford and Redd are booked to MC the event, with a string of great local and special guest appearances, some so famous we cant say, so you need to attend to find out.

The event will also be broadcast live on Facebook, also featuring special packages and items available to pledge on or purchase. The phone number to call in is 850-865-0835 and AJ’s have graciously offered to donate a portion of menu items to the cause. So come out and enjoy a great meal while the telethon is being filmed live!

What’s On – 30a TV Telethon


“We so appreciate that 30A TV is doing this telethon for our kids,” commented ECCAC’s CEO, Julie Hurst. “Please join us in person or on the live broadcast, and help make a difference by making a contribution that will ultimately benefit children in Walton and Okaloosa County who are experiencing abuse, abandonment or neglect.”

2016 event had a focus on funding the new Pierce Family Center in Defuniak Springs, and this year’s important cause will be to expand much needed services to support the relief of abuse cases that cross the Niceville and Defuniak centers on a daily basis.

After the live telethon on November 30th,, it will continue to be re-broadcast periodically through the end of 2017. Donations are requested live, in person or online during the broadcast, and can also be made after the event for several weeks, at 850-865-0835.

30A TV (www.30a.tv) reaches homes and businesses in its viewing area in 9 counties in Northwest Florida from Sandestin to Alligator Point and nationwide on Roku Web TV, Amazon Fire TV, mobile devices and apps.

Silver Sands Premium Outlets and The Kiwanis in Freeport are sponsors of the telethon. Additional TV sponsorships are available. To become a sponsor, contact Kim Henderson, ECCAC Director of Development at 850-933-9237, Ext. 283, or email kim@eccac.org.

ECCAC’s mission is to prevent child abuse and neglect, protect children in Okaloosa and Walton Counties, and restore the lives and futures of these impacted children. The Center’s child-friendly facilities facility in Niceville and in Defuniak Springs houses a multidisciplinary team of child protection personnel, prosecutors, law enforcement, DCF, therapists, and ECCAC staff and volunteers. In the past 15 years, over 10,000 children have received more than 40,000 services to include mental health therapy, crisis intervention, referrals to other community providers, interviews and medicals. Services are provided at no cost by ECCAC, a 501-C-3 non-profit organization.

For further information about the Emerald Coast Children’s Advocacy Center, visit www.eccac.org. If abuse is suspected, call the anonymous Florida Abuse Hotline at 1-800-96-ABUSE.

Telethon 2017 – Aj’s Grayton – Thursday November 30th meet and greet 5.30pm – Showtime, 6pm

SWal Life
Author: SWal Life

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