A Better South Walton Group Moves Forward


    A Better South Walton, Inc. (ABSW), a nonprofit organization founded
    to seek more effective governance and local representation for South Walton, announces
    the results of its feasibility study and essential next steps for the community.

    Announced at the recently held community meetings, the feasibility study results showed
    that incorporation is viable and the best way to address the challenges and opportunities
    for South Walton. A PowerPoint presentation outlining the studyís results, including
    benefits of incorporation, potential tax impact, and a projected revenue and budget five-
    year operating plan, was shown to attendees to inform them on the opportunities available
    to South Walton. The full feasibility study can be found at www.ABetterSouthWalton.org/
    feasibility-study/ and the presentations can be found at www.ABetterSouthWalton.org/

    With the study now available and showing that South Walton meets the requirements for
    incorporation and that it is in fact feasible, ABSW is asking South Walton residents to
    help with three critical steps to move this initiative forward.

    The first step is to sign the petition. From now until September 6, 2016, ABSW will be
    collecting signatures to petition the State Legislature to give South Walton residents the
    option to vote on whether or not the community becomes its own municipality. This
    petition is only asking for the opportunity to vote. Actual voting on whether or not South
    Walton incorporates will not be until mid-2017. The petition may be signed online at

    The second step is making a donation. ABSW is a volunteer-run organization, but
    funding is needed for critical expenses such as legal counsel, consultants and legislative
    outreach. It is imperative to have the necessary funding in place to support this initiative
    going forward. Information on how to donate may be found online at

    The third and final step is a call for volunteers. ABSW needs the residents of South
    Walton to help get the petition signed, host informational sessions for their neighbors,
    congregations or groups, act as community ambassadors, and to encourage voter
    registration. Volunteer information and opportunities may be found online at

    We are on the cusp of something transformationalî says David Pleat, president of
    ABSW. ìThe results of this feasibility study reinforce what we, as residents of South
    Walton, already know: that we are a unique community deserving of the benefits and
    opportunities that incorporation brings. We can achieve local control of South Walton, but
    we need the communityís support to make it happen.

    To learn more about the ABSW initiative, visit www.ABetterSouthWalton.org or contact

    About A Better South Walton:

    A Better South Walton (ABSW) is made up of a diverse group of citizen
    volunteers who share a concern about the future of South Walton. ABSWís
    mission is to seek more effective governance and local representation for South
    Walton to preserve and enhance its unique character, property values and quality
    of life.

    ABSW’s focus is on thoughtful analysis and discussion regarding ideas for more
    effective local governance and therefore, the future of South Walton. ABSW will
    also work to encourage the citizens of South Walton to weigh in formally and
    have a say in determining how South Walton will be managed going forward.

    CONTACT: info@ABetterSouthWalton.org

    David Pleat (850) 650-0599

    SWal Life
    Author: SWal Life

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