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30A and South Walton Local Business and Finance Features

By Heather Bennett Tamtech Pools and Spa has been an established business on The Emerald Coast since Jim Dular started the company in 1980.  Tamtech designs, installs and services residential and commercial pools and spas all along Highway 98 from Panama City to Mary Ester, and Freeport and Niceville to...
By Maurice Stouse, Financial Advisor and Branch Manager  As we are now into a whole new year, the more things change the more they stay the same: The Covid virus is still with us, the money supply is still at historically high levels, rates remain low, housing remains strong. Unemployment...
By Chris Balzer What does R-value mean?  R-value measures insulation’s resistance to heat flow.  It can also be referred to as “thermal resistance.”  The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power.  All materials having the same R-value, regardless of type, thickness, or weight are equal in insulating power.  ...
By Julie A Martin, Licensed Agent at Abora Insurance Group LLC Dear readers, storm season is again upon us, and with the first breath of stormy winds comes confusion when it comes to our insurance options. Why are the rates so high? Why are my premiums higher than my neighbor’s when...
By Victoria Ostrosky “I know I can do this today,” Jessica thought. “It’s been six months since Darrin’s death, and it’s time.” She was standing at his desk, her fingers resting gently on the now dusty surface, still trying to envision him sitting there. Underneath a pile of documents, she found...
PANAMA CITY BEACH, FLA – The St. Joe Community Foundation (“Foundation”) approved grants totaling more than $5.39 million in 2023 to be paid to local non-profit organizations, the highest for a single year since its inception in 1999. Following the Foundation’s stated goal of enriching quality of life for...
By Chris Balzar, Emerald Coast Energy Solutions   If you do a search for “things we insulate,” you will see the majority of sites and images are of attic spaces, walls and windows. However, we insulate much more than our homes. In fact, we are constantly looking for that right beach...
By Maurice-Stouse Investors and their advisors often talk about sleeping well at night. We were recently reminded of the acronym of SWAN – Sleep Well at Night. We have seen consistently over time that nothing is more important to savers and investors – when considering their wealth – nothing trumps...


By Chris Balzer Welcome 2022!  A recent survey of 531 US adults showed the top resolutions are; exercise more, eat healthier, and save money.  A look back twenty years, CNN’s poll showed the top resolutions were; get out of debt, lose weight and develop a healthy habit (quit smoking).  It’s...
By: Maurice Stouse Financial Advisor and Branch Manager As one year closes out and another one begins, we have some thoughts for our clients on things to review and consider. First: Know What you Own We suggest it is a good idea to review your assets, stocks, bonds, cash, real estate, business interests,...