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30A and South Walton Music Scene: Concerts, Festivals and More


WILLIAMS BACKYARD BOOGIE by Josette Rhodes It’s that special time of year where the masses are returning to their reality as school bells...
Northwest Florida Ballet announces four performances for the 2016-2017 season and the creation of its own symphony orchestra led by David...
Back to School Open House...
Lawman By Day, Country Star By Night –by Josette Rhodes Artie RodriguezWalton County celebrity Deputy Artie Rodriguez, (also known as The Singing Lawman),...
CD REVIEWS The Krickets “Spanish Moss Sirens” Spanish Moss Sirens “Spanish Moss Sirens”, the debut album by Northwest Florida boggy natives, The Krickets, is a masterpiece of Southern Folk. Each bringing their own element, these four alluring artists come together to create a sound...
30A Songwriter Radio Josette Rhodes Music is an innate language that resonates within each of us. Beyond all boundaries, it speaks. It...
Studio 237 School of Music Announces Summer Programs Studio 237 piano recitalStudio 237 is a music school run from the quaint Point...
CD REVIEWS by Jozette Rhodes BRI WEHNER “NOTHING BUT SUNSHINE” “Nothing But Sunshine”, the debut CD by singer songwriter Bri Wehner, is a...