Ron Hart to Highlight WRWF’S December 7th Liberty Celebration!

December 7th in Miramar Beach
5-6pm Jingle & Mingle with a glass of wine

Followed by festive liberty-minded meeting  6-7:30 pm

Headshot RonWalton Republican Women Federated will be celebrating the election of America’s freedom-fighting Governor Ron DeSantis, as they also kick off the holiday season celebrating of the birth of our Lord, who gave us the very rights upon which our nation was founded!

This fun December evening meeting will highlight Ron Hart, who has appeared on Huckabee, CNN, and FOX, and has been quoted in numerous publications including the Wall Street Journal. His columns are carried by 50 newspapers and have a total weekly circulation of approximately 1.5 million readers. He always brings laughter to the room!

Guests will enjoy live festive Christmas music by talented member, Lori Echols.  The delicious dinner, catered by Carrabba’s Italian Grill, will include wine. Men are always welcome.

Guests are reminded to bring their annual membership renewal payments in order to be included in the drawing for a crystal American flag clutch purse.  The meeting will conclude with a live auction for several gift items.

Registration required:

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