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Road to Redemption: Aleeza Kempton – But God

By Victoria Ostrosky It was Aleeza Kempton’s last day of school at Troy University and she was tired, but ready to head home to her...

A Pastor’s Ponderings: Fresh Bread

By Pete Hyde After Dad retired in 1970 to Rogers, Arkansas, our family began attending Central United Methodist Church in Rogers after many years of...

A Pastor’s Ponderings: Marching In

By Pete Hyde A cool north breeze took the edge off the warm sunshine of a winter day in Alabama.  We stood in large cemetery...

A Pastor’s Ponderings: Where Does Our Peace Come From?

By Pastor David Holland The world broils with conflict. Can you imagine living in Israel with rockets lobbed into your neighborhood at random times? Or,...

A Pastor’s Ponderings: Our Father

By Pastor David Holland One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach...