By Rev. Pete Hyde
He sits at the bar slowly turning his wedding ring only stopping to reach for the drink sitting in a pool of condensation and melted ice. The words race through his mind. “What happened ? How did I end up here? I thought I had it...
Shifting your vibration
There is only one emotion that truly exist in the world, love. Love encompasses all the emotions that makes...
By Sean Dietrich
This was the old world. The only thing worse than being a pregnant adolescent, was being one in a small town.
This is not my story, I just wrote it down. It was told to me by a preacher. His name was Jacob, but people...
by Heather Bennett Eye
It’s easy to see God’s blessings along the Emerald Coast, and Katie Campbell of 30A Prays has witnessed first-hand the work of God moving in this area. The nonprofit organization’s vision is “to revive the heart of prayer and equip the next generation to passionately pray...
“Forgiveness is the scent the lavender makes from the heel that crushes it.” I have always loved that quote.
I think forgiveness...
Love is in the Air
By Lauren Catanese
Love is in the air! Can you feel it? It starts in your face with a smile, then flutters down to your heart. It opens up space for the light to come in and the joy to fill you and your world! It’s...
The pause before the Spring
By Lauren Catanese
Spring is hopping around the corner and I couldn’t be more excited! The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and the beaches are not crowded just yet. This moment in time before the summer season hits reminds me of how we too...
By Rev. Pete Hyde
Just a mile or two east of the small, (population 200) rural town situated in the vast, open, windy, "big sky" plains of western Oklahoma is the Lochman ranch. It is a modest spread in terms of size, but has feature not found on many of the larger arid...
A Blissful New Year
By Lauren Catanese
Happy 2018 South Walton! Another year is here! How Blessed we are to have the opportunity to create and live a life of our dreams. Sharing with one another, growing, and allowing our authentic selves to shine; letting go the year’s before and...
Letter To My Father
By Sean Dietrich
Hey. It’s me again. I’m sure you’re busy, I just wanted to say hello. How are things? How’s the fishing up there? I thought about you today. I remembered how you used to point your truck in one direction, and drive dirt roads that...