Home Musings


30A and South Walton Locals' Short Stories, Musings on Faith and More

By Lauren Catanese Ego says – Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel inner peace. Spirit says – Find your inner peace and then everything will fall into place.– Marianne Williamson Are you on a quest to find peace? It can be a process. We can try to always do the...

A Wake

By Rick Moore A wake… no, not “awake”… a wake (according to Wikipedia) is the region of disturbed flow (often turbulent) downstream of a solid body moving through a fluid, caused by the flow of the fluid around the body. Or you could just say it is the waves caused...
By Rev. Pete Hyde It was the summer of 1968. The Scouts from Topeka loaded up early and headed to the beginning point of their week-long adventure.  They were going to spend the next 5 days hiking 50 miles of the actual Santa Fe Trail that runs from Independence, Kansas...

Reaching Down

By Rev. Pete Hyde It was the spring of 1963. He was eight years old. His father, a career Air Force man, had been assigned to Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines and had gone ahead of the family to find a place for them to live before they made the trip. The...

Call of the Waves

By Rick Moore After months of cool weather, and weeks of feeling cooped inside, many of us start to hear the call of the waves. If you close your eyes, it’s easy to picture the sandy beach calling you ashore. The feeling of the warm sun beaming down on your...

Happy Art

By Rick Moore A few years ago, in one of America’s larger cities, a diverse group of seventy adults were asked to grade the artwork scattered throughout their town. Using an app, their grades and personal remarks were accumulated in order to influence what future artwork would be placed in...
By Victoria Ostrosky It was Aleeza Kempton’s last day of school at Troy University and she was tired, but ready to head home to her mom.  Her car was finally loaded up and she was ready to go. As she prepared to leave, Aleeza said she heard a still, small...


  You’ve met her before. You know her—sort of. You just haven’t had a chance to talk to her yet. That’s because she’s a behind-the-scenes woman. She’s hardworking. She’s busy. Most days, she’s at the elementary school, cleaning. She even works Saturdays. She is there when the first employee arrives, she is...
By Lauren Catanese One of my favorite Christmas memories growing up, was sneaking off into our Christmas room. That’s what I liked to call it. It was where our tree was lit and glowing, the fire roared and toasted up the room, and the paper snowflakes my sister and I...
By Sean Dietrich I had a dream about him last night. It has been nearly three decades since he died, but there he was. Alive. We met in some kind of diner. A breakfast joint. Maybe this was heaven? He was running late, I was already sitting in a booth, sipping coffee....