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30A and South Walton Locals' Short Stories, Musings on Faith and More

by Heather Bennett Eye It’s easy to see God’s blessings along the Emerald Coast, and Katie Campbell of 30A Prays has witnessed first-hand the work of God moving in this area. The nonprofit organization’s vision is “to revive the heart of prayer and equip the next generation to passionately pray...
By Rick Moore Jimmy was meticulous with every detail. He used a magnifying glass to make sure every part was glued together perfectly. He spent months building his miniature sailboat. To him, it was much more than a toy. The boat was a working replica of a schooner, complete with...
By Gueary Clendening Many years ago, My wife, Linda and I lived in Illinois. Memories of driving to southern Illinois to spend Christmas with her family are truly cherished memories! On one particular Christmas, we left on Christmas eve driving down on Interstate 57. We were traveling at night and...
By Lauren Cantanese “The pastor told us, “Love is not a feeling; feelings change periodically. Love is a choice. And when you make that choice to choose love, even if you don’t feel like loving, you are choosing to love unconditionally. You recognize that we are all flawed creations, created...