By Stephenie Craig
Do you ever find yourself exhausted, irritated, and resentful when a person in your life won’t start or stop certain behavior? Maybe they don’t take care of themselves as you think they should or they won’t stop a habit you think is negative. Maybe you want them...
By Rev. Pete Hyde
The small tent was set up in the backyard next to the pasture that bordered the northeast Kansas base housing subdivision. Two junior high boys were going to “sleep out” on a warm, breezy summer night. Meadowlarks quieted their familiar songs as the sun went down. ...
We were newlyweds, living in a grungy apartment.
Each morning, I would wake before her. I would pass my morning hours writing poetry on a yellow legal pad, sipping coffee.
Mostly, I’d write the kinds of god-awful things you’d expect newlyweds to write. I’m talking painfully corny stuff. I’d leave these...
By Victoria Ostrosky
Walking in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day, God called out – “Adam, where are you?” Enoch’s legacy is that he walked with God every day. Then there’s Moses of whom it is said that God talked with him face to face as...
By Rev. Pete Hyde
The Oklahoma winter morning broke grey, cold, windy and dreary. The Monday crowd at the hotel was small as we gathered for breakfast. Afternoon flights for the trip home were already being delayed and connections were going to be missed. An hour on the phone with...
By Kirk McCarley
The day before our scheduled coaching meeting I took time to review notes from when we last gathered to outline questions and topics we may want to cover. As is practice, a text message was also sent reminding the client of the meeting time the next day.
Reviewed By Michael McManus, LCSW
Reading “Secure Love" by Julie Menanno is like having a heart-to-heart chat with your best friend about what makes relationships tick. One of the main things I love about this book is that it gives specific examples and strategies of how to interrupt toxic communication...
Local Author, Diane Pickett, to Sign Copies of New Book, “The Tea Wasn’t Always Sweet” at Sundog Books
Sowal Editor -
Diane Pickett, local author of the newly released book, "The Tea Wasn’t Always Sweet," will be signing copies and meeting with readers in Seaside at Sundog Books on February 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Pickett’s second book, “The Tea Wasn’t Always Sweet,” captivates lovers of Southern history as...
Reviewed by Paul Willms for Life Media Group
Along the sun-drenched shores of Destin, Florida, where Chris Harper has built a small empire including: Causeway Coffee, Destin Dreamers, Elevated Laundry, Thrive Luxury Group and Skyward Response Services. Few would guess the extraordinary journey that led to his latest venture: co-authoring...
By Sean Dietrich
The misperception about New Year’s is that it’s supposed to be a happy occasion. Sort of like Christmas. Or a birthday party.
But it’s not Christmas. New Year’s represents the end of something. And goodbyes are not joyous.
New Year’s is also a beginning. Beginnings are not entirely happy...